Invertebrate Metropolis

Everything You Need To Know

Food in the Big Apple is grounded in the federal MyPlate curriculum and each recipe provides nutritious hands-on and minds-on engagement. Students are engaged in STEM by learning about food, culture, nutrition and sustainability solutions found in NYC. By integrating engaging content with STEM, CityScience provides the "who, what, when, where, why and how" food relates to our lives and our communities.

Download the big picture matrix to learn more about the content integrated into each week. STEM is best learned in the context of other subjects fostering creativity, originality and critical thinking among students and teachers.

Download a sample of our curriculum. 


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Learning Objectives

Over the course of 10 weeks, students will:

  • Learn that bugs are not just gross, but also fascinating!
  • Learn the many stages of life of certain invertebrates
  • Understand the difference between endoskeletons and exoskeletons
  • Know them importance of composting ( and recycling!)
  • Learn how many legs a Centipede has

Program Flow

Stick CityStick Bugs are rarely noticed since they are camouflaged in our surroundings

Rollie Pollie Pill Bugs have exoskeletons that allow them to roll up into a small ball when they get scared

TransformationCaterpillars will metamorphize  into a butterfly!

Natures' Compost Machine- Worms are natures composters. Gardeners love them!

Your NY Neighbor - Not all Cockroaches are pests, as a matter of fact, most roach species live in the wild

The Many-Legged Arthropod  -  Myriapods have lots of legs, can you guess how many legs a Centipede has?

Weeks 8-10 - Students define, plan and execute a field trip and a culminating project that applies their learning.


The fee for this 10-week Exploration is $345 per week and includes:

  • Instructor for up to 2 hours a day, meeting once a week
  • Durable and consumable supplies for up to 25 students
  • Complete curriculum and digital teaching materials that can be used in perpetuity by our clients

earthworm anatomy


Registration is open now!  Hold your spot for Winter and Spring and we will be in touch to start the planning process.

Need More Info?

Leave us your name, contact information, and a convenient time to reach you in the form below and we will contact you!